Thursday, January 11, 2018

Not Everybody suitable to be a Property Investor but Everybody should buy a House

Whenever I met a trust fund agent, I am always being invited to join them, and buy their product. But, I never trust a trust fund! The main problem is not the fund is not good. But, does trust fund investment is suitable, and the best for me? None of the agents can explain or convince me. They always claim trust fund has higher liquidity compared to property investment. They claim their profit is always high. Sometime a trust fund profit can reach up to 30% profit return.

The more accurate question is does the investment is the best based on my personality, and financial background. Sales people tend to promote the beauty of their products without really understand the customer's needs. I hate these kind of people. When you work, and you have to find the solution to your organization's problems, you will also hate these kind of people, where they are offering to solve other problems which don't exist in your organization!

Whereas, as property investors, we always encourage people to buy a house. If they can see the opportunity, they should also join us to become another property investor. I don't get any money when I encourage people to buy a house. I don't get any money when I encourage people to become a property investor. But, I definitely will ask for money if people want to learn my secret such as how do I buy a shop lot even though I have only RM5,000 in my saving, or how can I buy a house even though my saving is not sufficient to pay the downpayment, or how can I buy a house even though my income is barely enough to pay the rent, and many more.

There are many trade secrets in property investment. Even though there are many property investment short courses being offered by many cifu's (how do you know they have sufficient knowledge, and experience? How do you verify their claim?), they are actually only the basics. In fact, they don't answer many of my critical questions such as mention above. In fact, a lot of property investment groups are using dangerous strategy because no one strategy can fit for everybody!

Even in schools, universities, or working places, people don't take any aptitude test. You are lucky if you have taken one at the work place, and being given the tasks based on your aptitude test. But the most important thing is Not Everybody suitable to be a Property Investor, but Everybody should buy a House.

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