Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Patent Registration and Investment

Currently, I am attending a patent drafting course in A'Famosa Melaka. This is the 3rd related courses I have attended. The first one was about patent search. The second one was about patent drafting level 1. While the current one is about patent drafting level 2. It is interesting to see how ideas are protected by registering them under patent, industrial design, trademark or copyright.

Currently, Malaysia government is aggressively encouraging companies, research institutions and individuals to register their ideas under MyIPO. This is to ensure your ideas are protected while seeking for financial returns. Among the protections, patent registration is the most difficult one, tedious, long hours and need careful drafting to ensure the idea is properly protected. Besides protection under MyIPO, our ideas can also be protected internationally. We can do that by registering the ideas on many countries or we can register the idea under PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) to save time and capital.

How can we monetize the patents in Malaysia? You can sell the patent, manufacture and sell the product or service, or finance them! Yes, now it is possible to get finance from your patent as written in the relate article:


Can we register our investment ideas as protection in either one of them? Yes and no. It is quite easy to get registration under industrial design, trademark or copyright. But, it is difficult to register your ideas into a patent. Whereas, patent is the most wealth generation than the others. First of all, you have to make sure the idea must involve innovation process which provide a new way to do something or offers a new technical solution to a problem. For example, it is not possible to patent your investment procedure and experience. However, if you can create a systematic way to predict whether a property investment is sound or bad, then it is possible to be patented provided it is not purely mathematical equations.

There are many others rules and regulations which must be observed and followed before a patent can be registered. After attending this level 2 patent drafting, I am planning to take the exam to qualify as a patent agent. So, if any of you have an idea about investment which has the potential to be patented, you can discuss with me and ask for my help for registration.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Successful Personal Finance Management and Property Investment Seminar on 8th November 2014

I was glad the 3rd seminar was a success especially when at the end of the seminar the participants were eager to formulate the planning for property investment and clear what need to be done and what more do they need to learn. This time, most of the participants already bought 2 or 3 units of property. Thus, it is easier to show them what more can be done. This is very true especially when we show a practical example by a new guest speaker Ms Nurul on her new home ownership.

She bought a two storey cluster home with size of 34' x 70' for RM430,000. Her salary last year at the time she bought the house was only RM2,000! A lot of people would said it is impossible to get the loan approval. But she managed to do so in June 2013. When I taught the theory in the morning, no body bother to ask. But when she show her case study, questions started to pour in. She will get the house's keys in December 2014 which is next month. And she already advertise the house in mudah.my.

As usual, the seminar was honored by an hour of Q&A from a multi-millionaire Mr Zabri Mokhtar. He was not well on the day. But, since the event was long planned, he managed to finish answering all the relevant questions. Most participants were surprised when he revealed how he managed to bought more than 30 shop lots. Capital problem is not really a problem. It is also why we formulated it to be no. 5th in our six investment principles.

IR Nasir Hashim from Haikal Engineering officiated the event before the lunch break. He is also the Timbalan Ketua Bahagian UMNO Gelang Patah. Early in his carrier as a professional engineer, he was working for JCorp until 1992 Now, he is practicing civil engineering in his own firm. As a professional engineer and someone who worked in JCorp before, he clarify certain misconception in property development and investment. He encourage participants to invest in property since he also already done so by owning two shop offices.

Participants really understand now what they have missed and what should they do to improve their knowledge and planning for their next investment. Instead of blaming other people or the condition we live, we should really understand the industry. Once we have the right knowledge, there are many possibilities for us to grow. Below is an interesting review from a participants which make other people want to quickly joint the next seminar:

Some people regret that they missed the event.

If you are interested to join but already missed the boat, you can contact our secretariat at 011-32506847. The next seminar will be held in March 2015. But, if there are more than 20 people who want the seminar ASAP, we will conduct the seminar soon. We are also planning to conduct the similar seminar in Shah Alam or KL next year. So, if you live in Klang valley, you can also register with us.

I would like to thank to all the committee members who help to organize and manage this event and make it a success.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Invest your child in skills development ASAP

My team have prepared a few skill development activities for secondary school students to fill their long holiday as below. All of the activities were supposed to explore secondary school students ability and talent both in electronic engineering and software development. Besides, participants will see the importance of learning and applying good English language skills.

The admission is strictly for secondary school students. It is good to explore the youngster talent As Soon As Possible in life in order to build self confidence and sense of carrier direction. Based on these skills development experience, students should know whether they like the field and have the necessary talent to pursue it in a higher level learning institution.

1. Smartphone Software Development
    Software development for smartphone application is getting more important. The percent of growth in Smartphone sales has overtaken PC sales all over the world. Having android based software development skill will open a lot of opportunities in the student's life. It is so important that nowadays, even electronic engineers are learning the skills in universities.

Admission fee is RM100 per secondary student.

2. PIC Microcontroller
    Embedded system design is the art of miniaturization of a PC into a smaller based design known as a microcontroller. It is used for a specific task such as processing a washing machine, traffic light control, automatic gate control and various control mechanisms in a car. This short course will expose participants to basic electronics design, and C language programming. Participants will learn that logical thinking is very important in this field.

Admission fee is RM100 per secondary student.

3. Personal Computer Assembly and Maintenance
    PC usage is very important in daily work and as a university student. It is a frustration if a PC breakdown while using it to complete an assignment. Sometimes, the damage is only minor. But without the necessary knowledge and skills, it is impossible to repair the PC on own. Beside, if a students know to assemble a PC on his or her own, the configuration can be customized for specific usage and reduce the purchasing cost.

Admission fee is RM200 per secondary student.

All short courses will be conducted in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor. Since the space and equipment are limited, the number of participants who can be admitted are also limited.