Monday, March 8, 2021

Are you willing to spend resources for R&D?

To measure how much money being spent for R&D as per global share, of course Malaysia is so little since our GDP is small. Malaysia GDP is not even top 30 in the world. But, we should look at the willingness of the country to do R&D by looking at R&D as a % of GDP. 

Malaysia spent 1.44% from GDP (highest among muslim countries. The next muslim country with highest percentage is Turkey at 0.96% (military, aerospace). Iran which spent a lot of R&D for military is actually spending only 0.84% of GDP with a lot of scientific achievement such as nuclear enrichment, rocket development and satellites. 

So, where are the other muslim countries? Barely exist R&D... not even 0.5% of GDP! Brunei is only 0.28%, Indonesia is only 0.24%. Even a rich muslim country like Saudi Arabia is not listed! 🤣

UK is only 1.72%, France is 2.20% and Germany is 3.09%! No wonder Germany can still compete with China economically while other European countries fail!

With this little annual investment in R&D, Malaysia is able to maintain a strong position in Electronics and Electrical, Oil & Gas, hospitality tourism, education and much more. We even now have local universities in top 100 of the world. 

My phd work

While some engineering field especially Electrical and Electronics engineering is in top 100 in the world. Petroleum engineering is in top 50 of the world. Architecture & Built Environment, and Civil & Structure engineering are number 1 in the world ranking! All of these are Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) achievement in 2020. You should find out other local universities achievement and proud of them due to the little money we have! 

How much do you think we cajn achieve if our expenditure of R&D to GDP is the same as USA at 2.84%! Think about it! 

Use in many applications

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