Monday, May 8, 2017

To start Property Investment is as hard as to start a PhD

I started my 1st property investment after I had worked for more than two years and before I started my master study. I didn't have much knowledge in property investment at the time. But I strictly followed my father's advice to buy a house as soon as possible after started to work. It will be a waste of money if I spent a lot of money on paying a car but I have not buy a house. Buying a house will also ensure I spent only on essential.
My first house was under affordable category

I bought my second house after a year I have finished my master study. Although I already have a house, I didn't live in the house because it is far away from my work. It was a no brainier decision to invest on a second house when it is only less than ten minutes to work. The hardest part was to find some capital and reorganized my financial.

My second house is one and a half storey

With two properties, I thought it was enough for me to live comfortably. But, life was not easy especially when you were only a few years growing your own family. In addition, the house I lived in cost almost double than the first house I bought. This means I spent more than the return I got. But, what was done is done. To compensate the expenditure, I did a lot of extra works such as design consultation, trading, charity work and teaching to industry.

This also remind me, my master qualification does not make me a master in property investment. Having two properties does not make me a master in property investment. Both of them were just an introduction in property investment. I always thought I need a lot of money to invest in more property. I need a better plan. In 2002, I realized in my surrounding area, investment in shop lot is better than houses. At the time, the moment you buy a house, you lost about 20% of the value if you want to sell the house in two or three years. But, shop lot prices keep increasing. I also need to learn more especially from those who already invest a lot more in property.
My first shop lot

Although I have done many engineering designs for industry where some of them are world class designs or projects, something was missing. The same feeling can be felt in my property investment. Sometimes, it was not due to lack of knowledge or skills which prevent us from excel in our fields. I felt there was the need to improve my thinking process or also known as philosophy. After some convincing from my peers, mentor and university's policy, I decided to further study for my PhD in 2008. I was reluctant to further study because I was afraid it will prevent me from my commercial activities. Now, I realized how wrong was I. Within a year of furthering study, I found a formula to buy a shop lot! Now, the real property investment began!!

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