Thursday, October 18, 2018

Pilgrim to Mekah for Hajj

Malaysians pilgrimage to Mekah for Hajj is handled by Tabung Haji Malaysia. Every Malaysian pilgrim must go through Tabung Haji Malaysia, TH. In TH, there are a group of people who will administer, assist and manage the pilgrims. This is called Muasasah. This year, the cost to go for Hajj through Muasasah is about RM10,000.

Some people who want a better service can go through Hajj packages handled by Malaysian travel agencies. There  are only a limited number of companies who have the license to provide the package. You can find out the list of companies from TH. This year, the cost to go through a package is about RM35,000. Each pilgrim who want to have the package service must also pay Tabung Haji Malaysia for RM10,000. Therefore, those who get the package service must pay RM45,000!

What are the similarity and differences?
The activities, travel and lodging at Arafah, and Madinah are the same.
However, during staying in Mekah, the hotel by package is closer to the Kaabah which is less than 100m. There are many advantages being closer to the Kaabah. You can quickly and easier to go back and forth from the hotel to the Kaabah. This is essential for those who have weak legs. Hence, you have more time and energy to spend at the mosque. The food is also better by package.

For those who are young and healthy, it is okey to go through Muasasah. From my brother's experience, he only missed one day to go to the mosque during zohor and asar. He went the Hajj from 25 August until 21 September 2018. While his older companions who are retirees, always miss to go to the mosque for the same period. The age and energy are important factors for religious activities.

Is it worth it?

Beside the cost above, you should prepare some extra money to ensure a smooth activities such as:
a) money to rent electric scooter if you cannot walk through tawaf or sai'e which is about dirham 50.
b) money to rent carriage service if you cannot walk through tawaf or sai'e; saie is about dirham 500, tawaf is about dirham 300 x 3 (wajib or compulsory)
c) money to buy souvenirs

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