Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Harvesting Cotton Banana (Pisang Kapas) Fruit 3 & 4

On 8th Nov. 2018, I harvested my 3rd organic cotton banana.

There were six brushes of banana which is quite good considering the soil in my house is not really fertile.

A bountiful harvest.

On 26 January 2019, I cut down another tree and harvest my 4th banana cotton.

Since the soil is not so fertile, the tree is not tall. So, I can easily cut down the tree.

It was still a satisfying harvest.

As usual, I destroy the whole tree. In the future, I should think how to reuse the cut tree.


Bill S said...

I haven't tried it yet, but I have seen that in India (maybe?) they remove the outside of the trunk and cook the inside? Are those apple bananas, I have the same at my house!

Zulfakar said...

It is cotton banana (pisang kapas in Malay). Yes, I have a few Indian friends who cook the inside of the banana trunk. I never try to cook any of them.