Monday, December 5, 2016

Vegetable and Herbs for Future Health

One of the main reasons I bought my current house is because the house has large extra land. I can build another 1 and 1/2 houses on the land. But, my wife prefer to extend the kitchen so that we can have a large dining hall. But, I still have a large area to do anything on it. For a start, I decided to teach my children to plant trees and vegetables. It is important to be self-sufficient even though you have the money to buy foods. You never know when the economy gets any worst or emergency situation arise where the best way to survive is to have your own foods.

While renovating my house, I already planted banana trees. You can see the banana trees being planted in Feb 2016. Now, it is as below:

In addition to banana trees, I also planted Rambutan, Durian Belanda and Durian. Yes! I planted a durian tree in my house compound.

After two weeks, new leaves already grew in most of the branches. This shows that the roots already grew nicely under the ground.

The Durian Belanda tree is closer to sugar cane, mung bean and sweat potato trees. After two weeks, new leaves already grew nicely. I added more soil at the top to ensure there is no water accumulated at the bottom of the tree.

Durian Belanda tree is quite fragile while it is small. The pole is important to support the tree if there is any strong wind. The tree can withstand hot weather even though it is still small.

I planted a Rambutan tree at the outside of the wall. The tiles are important to avoid any accidental harm to the tree especially when anybody cut the grasses.

At the outside, I also planted Dragon Fruit. The tree can last for twenty years. I choose this tree because it was planted closer to the neighbor's house. As you can see in the picture below, the cemented floor on the right is already my neighbor's area. Dragon Fruit has no tree as per normal tree. So, I am not worried if there is any tree falling down into my neighbor's area.

But, the most important thing is I planted vegetables. I am experimenting on several vegetables such as mung beans, serai (lemon grass), keledek (sweat potato), pumpkin and curry tree. I also planted red onion since the price of red onion keeps going up.
From 3 onions, there is only one onion tree survived. It looks like the best way to choose an onion seed is to buy onions which already grew at grocery shops! By now, I also learned the proper way to plant, and keep it growing so that the onion tree can produce good harvest.

I planted herbs such as Belalai Gajah (Sabah snake grass) and Oregano for self consumption. Oregano leaves are very useful to reduce stress, asthma, cough and helps to sleep well at night. I have tried it a few times. It really works!
I also planted Misai Kucing trees. It is very useful to clean your blood and kidney. I was admitted into wards twice due to kidney problems. The hospital medicine was not enough to clean my kidneys. I drank Reddish jus to clean my kidneys. But it has horrible taste and smell. Misai kucing leaves are more pleasant. In addition, it is easy and cheap to grow Misai Kucing compared to Reddish.

There are still a lot of space to plant fruits, vegetables and herbs. Meanwhile, I am considering to rear chickens!

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