Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Patent Registration and Investment

Currently, I am attending a patent drafting course in A'Famosa Melaka. This is the 3rd related courses I have attended. The first one was about patent search. The second one was about patent drafting level 1. While the current one is about patent drafting level 2. It is interesting to see how ideas are protected by registering them under patent, industrial design, trademark or copyright.

Currently, Malaysia government is aggressively encouraging companies, research institutions and individuals to register their ideas under MyIPO. This is to ensure your ideas are protected while seeking for financial returns. Among the protections, patent registration is the most difficult one, tedious, long hours and need careful drafting to ensure the idea is properly protected. Besides protection under MyIPO, our ideas can also be protected internationally. We can do that by registering the ideas on many countries or we can register the idea under PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) to save time and capital.

How can we monetize the patents in Malaysia? You can sell the patent, manufacture and sell the product or service, or finance them! Yes, now it is possible to get finance from your patent as written in the relate article:


Can we register our investment ideas as protection in either one of them? Yes and no. It is quite easy to get registration under industrial design, trademark or copyright. But, it is difficult to register your ideas into a patent. Whereas, patent is the most wealth generation than the others. First of all, you have to make sure the idea must involve innovation process which provide a new way to do something or offers a new technical solution to a problem. For example, it is not possible to patent your investment procedure and experience. However, if you can create a systematic way to predict whether a property investment is sound or bad, then it is possible to be patented provided it is not purely mathematical equations.

There are many others rules and regulations which must be observed and followed before a patent can be registered. After attending this level 2 patent drafting, I am planning to take the exam to qualify as a patent agent. So, if any of you have an idea about investment which has the potential to be patented, you can discuss with me and ask for my help for registration.

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