Monday, July 28, 2014

Opportunity During Hari Raya

By now, almost all muslims in Malaysia are already in their own hometown celebrating Hari Raya. Muslims are celebrating the special day or victory day after fasting for a month. It is harder to control your desire than other things. It is not just the activity of eating or drinking but muslims must refrain themselves from doing bad things during Ramadhan month. One of the bad habits that many people fail to control is the ability to spend below your means. While fasting, one would desire to eat a lot of foods and drinks. Some people fail to control their desire and bought a lot of foods. Later after iftar, they realise they cannot eat as much as they desire during fasting.

As a property investor, controlling your desires are also challenging. To accumulate your capital and increase your ability to invest, it is important to exercise restraint from spending unnecessarily. Like buying lots of food during fasting, the unnecessary items are only clearly seen after the expenditure has been done. That is why we must always ask ourselves whether the items we want is really necessary. Are we going to die without them? Are our life will be worst without them? You should always remember your experience during Ramadhan month!

Controlling your desire is not just about affordability. Once your investment getting larger and getting higher return, it is getting more difficult to control your desires. At this level, money is not a problem to you. There are always excess money after deducting your obligation. But, we have to ask ourselves is this just the level of investment we want to achieve? We should safe as much as possible so that we can go to the next level. Besides, if you really satisfy with your levelof investment, it is better to donate your excess money to those who really need them! May be it is time you should start to invest to donate the profits to the needy people.

By the way, celebrating Hari Raya does not mean I stop thinking for my next investment. This is the time observe new opportunities. You should applied what you have learn in property investment principles to find new opportunities in your hometown. We never know what opportunities await for us until we do the window shopping!



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