Thursday, June 12, 2014

Rawat Hutang-Puitang sambil Melabur

A lot of people when they are in debt with other people, and cannot afford to pay back the loan would prefer to avoid paying the debt. Their intention was to only pay back the debt once they can afford to do so. They hope the future income would get better. Once their income has improved only then they would pay back their loan either to relatives or friends. In reality, most of them never pay their debt even their income has improved. There is always something else to pay rather than settling their debt. They never improve their life. Worst, their income may never improve at all!

This is a common scenario or poor mind set. This type of people has a miss-conception of pay to themselves first before paying their loans. As a Muslim, it is a top priority to settle your debt to the people who give you the loans as promised and sooner than later. Allah already told in Al-Quran that those who work out to pay their debts will be given the assistance (or given the path) to find rezeki (income). Al-Quran did not said that you must settle all your debt at once. But, your effort to settle your debt no matter how difficult your life is will ensure that the path to generate more income become easier. Once you work hard to settle your debt, there are many new opportunities emerge in your life without you foreseen them!

The key here is if things is beyond your control, Reschedule Your Liabilities.

You will only make your life worst by ignoring or running away from your debt. Imagine if a bank has more and more people not paying their debt. Less liquidity is available to provide loans to other people or businesses for productive economy activities. The community cannot grow or worst business will drop. Over-time jobs are getting less and less, and slowly, jobs are lost. Meanwhile, the whole community is slowly dying. I have seen this scenario in front of my own eyes in a small town in Boston, USA in 1994.

It is important to treat your debt. Ignoring and do nothing will only make it worst. The details of the debt rescheduling is taught in my short course class. A case study of a true story will be shown. The result is impressive.

I recommend to read THE RICHEST MAN IN BABYLON for further inspiration and understanding. However, the book was written in King's James English style. It is not easy to understand for readers who don't have sufficient English language skills. Sometimes, the message is easily misled and misunderstood. For Malay readers, I already translated the book into Malay language. The translated EBook is sold for RM20 per part. I divided the book into two parts for easier understanding. I also provide my own analysis based on current events or modern financial world. You should email me if you want the pdf copy.

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