Friday, March 14, 2014

Educate Yourself in non-technical of Your Work to Balance Your Life

I went to Universiti Malaysia Sabah two weeks ago. I was supposed to help Electrical Engineering Program of the Engineering School to defend themselves in the EAC evaluation. Actually they don't need to do that since the program was approved for two years last year at my first year as an IAP (Industry Advisory Panel) member. I didn't mind spending some time helping others to improve themselves. At the same time, I learned a lot new things. While being there, I managed to ask around about the property market in KK since the first time I went to KK in 2012. To my surprise most of the lecturers are missing huge investment opportunity by not taking any action to invest. Some are still reluctant to take any action and still pondering what to do.

As a lecturer, we spend so much time to prepare, find new information, new techniques and knowledges to teach other people. But we forgot to educate ourselves. Yes, many of us learn more about the technical aspect of our work. Yet they forget to learn about other knowledge to balance their life growth especially personal financial management. If we focus all of our time for the technical aspect of our work, two major possibilities may happen: forever you become slave to your employer or you become eccentric (crazy for American). Eccentric people are people with unbalance skills, knowledge and emotion. There are vast knowledge to learn. Yet knowledge for self improvement is something most of us forget to learn. Among the self improvement personal financial planning is very important. It affect every single thing in your life including your faith.

Conventional wisdom is to work harder and longer time to gain more. Some people opt to do more than one job in order to gain more. But we must always ask ourselves, how much time do we have? Do we have extra hands and legs to do more jobs? Are we going to be forever young? Aren't we going to have family in the future? Is our family getting bigger and consume larger expenses? How much can we save whereas inflation always at the door steps? We must train our brain, emotion and believe that there are always ways to out run the inflation and growth in expenses. We must train ourselves that to out run them there are other ways than working longer hours or do double or triple jobs at a time. Once we believe in this philosophy, GOD or your mind or friends or mentors will show you the way. If you don't believe in them, the doors automatically shut down and make it harder for your to find ways to improve your life. Then you will always blame other people for your weaknesses especially the government.

You will see in your life and history, a belief is a very strong weapon. People climb mountains because they believe they can do it. So they prove to themselves that they can do it. American people under President Keneddy believe that they can go to the moon and beat the Russian. So, many people who believe in the same goal put their efforts, time and mind to achieved it. Yet many people have wrong beliefs. Ordinary people always believe that to out run inflation and increasing expenses they need more money. It is like to defeat a fire, you need to put more fuel into the fire! To defeat a fire, first of all, you must be smarter than the fire.

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