I was having a mid night snack on 17 July 2014 while discussing some small business issues with my friends when I saw the shocking news. At first, I taught the news was about MH370 was finally found being shot down in Ukraine which is ridiculous. Then, I realize the news was about another flight which is also from MAS airline. This is another huge tragedy for Malaysia after the missing of MH370.
As I expected, there will be many idiotic comments especially from politicians, bloggers and news blogs. Their attitude is in parallel in property investment - full of idiotic comments whereas they don't have the specific knowledge of the industry. Consequently, they blame the government or her associates as in property industry. That is why in property investment, I train my participants to learn and appreciate as much knowledge as possible. If you are knowledgeable, nobody can lead you to astray. With knowledge, anything is possible except rising up people who already dead. It is also possible to travel to other worlds with sufficient knowledge (as promised by Al Quran).
People without knowledge will always blame on others when bad things happened to them. People without the skills for the specific industry will easily blame on the people they hate. I was not surprised when USA government quickly blamed the Russia government for what happened to MH17. CNN quickly blamed on the Russian and Eastern Ukraine separatist. People without critical thinking will quickly accept these as facts. In property investment, the same scenario may and always happened when investors do not have sufficient knowledge and skills.
Let us look at the bigger picture, who will get the benefits from this tragedy.
1. USA blames Russia did it.
2. Ukraine government blames on the Russian separatist.
3. USA and Ukraine ask the world to unite together to go against Russia.
So, if I am Putin, I am not stupid enough to shoot MH17!
In property investment, for each government action people quickly give an equal but opposite reaction. Every time the investment cost increases people will blame on the government. Whereas government can only facilitate, it is up to the people to take advantage of the situation.
This is what I extracted from www.WhatReallyHappened.com. I have been a follower for this website since 2000. Almost all of their news and analysis are correct including the tragedy of MH370.
Malaysia have seen her worst property tragedy in 1998. Due to money speculators, many Malaysian were trapped in huge property debts. Some of them were auctioned without recovering the investment cost. Some of them were still declared as bankrupt until today! A few of them kill themselves. Government of Malaysia would not let 1998 property tragedy to happen again.

MH17 Tragedy can be a false flag prelude to Word War III. Why? The world economy is not getting better as propagandized in the news. USA economy is getting worst. Her QE easing does not mean USA is recovering. Unofficially, there are so many people unemployed which I am very pity to them since I studied there before. Europe is also getting worst especially if you look at Spain and Portugal. One by one their banks have to close shop. Without their political will with honest governments, I don't see how they are going to recover their economy except by World War III. To make matter worst, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa just announce their own BRICS Bank.
By the way,
Holding Company Of Portugal’s 2nd Largest Bank Just Filed For Bankruptcy Protection
Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/breaking-portugals-banco-espirito-santo-says-it-cant-meet-obligations-asks-to-be-placed-under-controlled-management/#zGUAKges3l6pRIZJ.99
The missing of MH370 did not achieve the planners' original objective. Malaysia government still want to maintain economy neutrality. They hope MH17 should finally convince Malaysia to be their economy slave. So, to Malaysian citizen, you should brace for a bigger impact. Invest in property and other physical wealth as soon as possible.